How Live CART Captioning Can Be Helpful To Your Viewers

14 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog


If you broadcast shows, lectures, or other programming live as part of your business, you can give your audience better viewing experiences with live CART captioning. CART, which is an acronym for communication access real-time translation, allows viewers to see the words that are spoken in written form so that everyone can have a clearer understanding of the content of each live broadcast. Here are a few specific ways that live CART captioning can be helpful to your audiences.

Good for the Hearing-impaired

People will likely want to tune in if your programming is able to accommodate viewers who can hear clearly as well as audience members who may have trouble hearing. People who are hard of hearing or have lost their ability to hear entirely often rely on live CART captioning when watching their programs. Hearing-impaired individuals will be able to see the words that are being spoken in real-time and won't have to rely on audio to get the information from the program that they wish to obtain. 

Foreign Language Translation

If a program is in a language that many of your audience members might not understand, live CART captioning can provide instant translations. As a speaker is speaking, live CART captioning can offer a written translation of every word in English or another language of your choice. This feature can help bridge more cultural gaps by encouraging more people to watch programs in different languages to learn more about how people in other parts of the world live.

Beneficial for Training

When your business broadcasts live training seminars for your employees, you won't have to worry as much about your staff missing important details of a lecture when you have live CART captioning. If an employee misses some key information because they weren't able to hear it clearly in the lecture, the captions that appear at the bottom of the screen can be used as a guide. Live CART captioning can definitely be useful if a speaker is difficult to understand because of a language barrier or speech impediment.

Good for Noisy Environments or When the Sound Is Off

If a program is being shown in a noisy environment or on a TV or computer that doesn't have sound, audiences will still be able to understand what the program is about with live CART captioning. Having this feature with your programming can be especially good for people who are watching in waiting rooms or transportation centers that are noisy or have TVs with no sound.

Live CART captioning can help more people connect with the messages that you're trying to convey with your programming. Live CART captioning services can offer you many other great features that your viewers will surely appreciate. To learn more, contact a company like LiveCap.